Game Design Portfolio

Explore my innovative video game designs and creative projects showcased here.

Projects section

These are the projects I best represent my current abilities.

Stairs in the Woods

Stairs in the Woods is more of a guided demo than an actual game level. I created for a class which was to introduce the game development pipeline from concept, gray boxing, modeling in Maya, and implementation into Unreal Engine.

The Reaching Dark

I completely programmed this project from the ground up using the processing language. I made this for an Introductory programming class in which the goal was to create a game using fundimentals of programming such as loops, custom functions, and classes.

The Shadow of Dracula

The Shadow of Dracula is a Vampire themed deck-building board game where you assume the role of a vampire lord vying for control of the land after Dracula's death. You must compete against the other vampire lords in traveling the land to gather influence and power while also defeating regional bosses. After Van Helsing, the final boss, is defeated player count up how many victory points they acquired with the winner being the player with the most.

Invaders from Space!

This project was my first time using blueprints. We were to make a game level